Competitive Teams

Competitive teams are designed for players who are committed to competing in local, regional, and national tournaments, State cups, and local, regional, and state leagues.  Competitive players must tryout, be evaluated, and be selected by the club coaching and director staff.  New players that arrive on the Key Biscayne or wish to play for our club, must request a tryout or participate in the general open tryouts at the beginning of May. However, we are always evaluating new players that may move up or down on a team, based on their development with the club. If you are selected to a team prior to the start of the season, you will be asked to make an online deposit in order to reserve your spot.

Your deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE (See Exceptions below).  If a parent fails to make a payment after being notified that their son/daughter has been selected for a competitive team, at the discretion of the coach, their spot on the roster may be replaced by someone on the waitlist. DO NOT DELAY YOUR PAYMENT.  Your deposit confirms your commitment to play in Competitive soccer and will hold your spot for the upcoming season.  If you delay, you are at risk of losing your spot.  In August, we will finalize and declare are rosters, there can be player movements depending on open team spaces or the needs of each team.

Registration Refunds

Upon committing to a Competitive team, your registration fee and monthly or annual fees will be charged to your account.  There are NO REFUNDS.  If a parent fails to pay outstanding balances past due, KBSC reserves the right to notify FYSA and failure to pay will prohibit the player from registering with another FYSA club until the outstanding fees have been paid.  A player can be released from a team and be refunded their fees on a pro-rata basis under the following EXCEPTIONS:

  • Move residency outside Miami Dade County;
  • Suffer a serious injury that requires a minimum of 3 months or more of rehabilitation (KBSC has the option to suspend payments to guarantee the player’s spot on the roster);
  • A player is invited to join the InterMiami CF Academy program.

If you request a release to play for another club and do not satisfy one or more of the above exceptions, in addition to our NO REFUND policy, you will be charged a one-time RELEASE FEE, based on the date of your release.

  • August – September: $650
  • October – November: $550
  • December – February: $450
  • March – April: $350

Competitive teams are evaluated at least twice per year throughout the season across many assessment variables.  These evaluations are shared with the player and parents to track the player’s developmental progress during the season. Based on the evaluations, the club reserves the right to move players UP OR DOWN age groups or across teams in the same age group, according to development and skill level, at any time during the season.  Occasionally, an existing or new player may be invited to guest play for further evaluation or move permanently to fill a need on a team. Also, players develop differently and certain situations will dictate how the coaches manage their rosters.  Teams WILL NOT be chosen because…

  • They are best friends.
  • They attend the same school.
  • They have a sibling on another team.
  • The parents get along and want to keep the group together.

Player selections are merit-based on performance and skill level.  We know some decisions may not coincide with parents’ or players’ opinions, but we ask parents and players to respect the process.  If a parent would like to discuss their player’s selection or have questions about playing time, they should schedule a meeting with the coach and DOC at an appropriate time during the week or 48 hours after a game.  Do not confront the coach after a game. S/he will respectively request to meet with you at another date.

RESPECT the Fundamental Rules of SOCCER

  • RESPECT the game and fans.
  • RESPECT your teammates.
  • RESPECT the principles of the game and be loyal to them.
  • RESPECT your opponent.
  • RESPECT moral integrity and competition over winning at any cost.
  • RESPECT the team crest of Key Biscayne Soccer Club, and its history, and represent with pride.
  • RESPECT the ball, treat it well… and protect it at all times.

Disrespecting coaches, referees, parents, and teammates will not be tolerated. You are a direct reflection of your family, coaches, and the Key Biscayne Soccer Club.

KBSC Soccer Player Guidelines

  • Always be on time, dressed appropriately, and ready to begin practices or games.
  • On game days, arrive 1 hour before game time. If you are late for warm-ups, notify your coach.
  • Take pride in attending all practice and games, and always giving 100%.
  • If you cannot practice due to injury, you are still required to attend practice to observe and learn.
  • You are expected to act like a TEAM (family) at all times! You will be with your teammates for a 10-month season and it is critical to get along, support, and encourage each other.
  • No idle talking. Stay focused on the tasks and pay attention to your coach. Encouraging your teammates and helping them get better is awesome!  Don’t distract or goof off at practices.
  • Offer encouragement, positive energy, and helpful criticism to your teammates. Do not yell at each other, berate each other, or disrespect others. If this occurs, playing time will be diminished and the appropriate discipline will be taken.
  • Sportsmanship is a must! We will act appropriately, we will treat the referees and other teams with respect and consideration. We will look polished and put together.
  • Be a player that learns quickly. Be coachable! Have a good attitude.
  • Be a competitor! We are here to have fun and learn, but we also want to give our maximum effort.
  • You are expected to be a role model on and off the field. You will be held to a higher standard while you are on this team.
  • Your education comes first. If you need to take care of academics, notify your coach and discuss the situation, plan, and inform the coach of any school functions or exams coming up with at least 2 weeks’ notice.  Do not surprise the team and let your team down at the last minute when they depend on you.
  • Information regarding practices, games, etc. will go out regularly. Be sure to be assigned to the team WhatsApp chat.

KBSC Required Practice Attire

  • All players must wear shin guards at every practice.
  • All players must have soccer shoes.  We play on grass or turf fields. We recommend a cleated or multi-studded outdoor shoe. It is not required that players have shoes for each type of surface.
  • All players must wear the designated practice jerseys and shorts at practice. You may wear BLUE or WHITE socks that you choose, and be long enough to cover your shin guards.

KBSC Playing Time Policy

  • Development FIRST, Compete SECOND, and Winning THIRD. All players will play in regular-season games (certain exceptions may apply, like a playoff championship game).  However, not all players will have equal playing time. The coach, player, and parents must understand that playing time is based on many factors per any given week, including, but not limited to health and injuries, attendance, skill level, and competition match-ups.  What is important is that everyone involved understands that playing time will vary and open communication must exist among the coach, player, and parents to manage expectations. Players playing on Elite teams U12+ can expect the playing to vary at the discretion of the coach, but due to the conditions cited above. Elite U8-U11 and Blue and White teams are expected to have more balance and equitable playing time across all players.
  • Practice attendance, commitment, attitude, and ability will determine your minutes of play. Playing time is based on the coach’s discretion and may vary according to the game competition and individual player match-ups.
  • All players will get to play in tournaments and cups. However, they may not play in all games.  First-bracket or group phase games may allow for more playing time, but playing time may diminish during a semi-final or final championship cup or tournament game.  Again, the coaches should manage their player rotations intelligently to allow all players to acquire game experience and balance playing time during the entire season with other league games.  The coach needs to develop all of the players on their team and manage these expectations with the players and parents.
  • A player should always do what is best for the TEAM.
  • If a PLAYER has a problem with playing time, etc., he or she should speak to the coach. Parents should not intervene.  Oftentimes, the players understand and will accept conditions that parents may object to.  If a player feels that the problem has not been addressed or resolved, the player and parent(s) can request a meeting with the coach and DOC of the team to seek a resolution.
  • Playing time will not be discussed before or during games or practice sessions.  A meeting should be requested between the player, coach, parents, and DOC at least 48 hours before a practice session or 48 hours after a game to discuss this matter.

KBSC Player and Parent Behavior Expectations

  • A player should strive to play to their ability, enjoy the moment, and do their best to compete; but, no one will bully, intimidate, or ridicule another member of your team or the opposing team, fans, parents, or referees.
  • A player makes mistakes throughout a game… praise and encourage teammates, maintain a positive attitude, and try your best to adjust and improve each day.
  • Participating in a game is a privilege… when observing a game from the bench or sideline, it is not a license to verbally insult coaches, players, other parents, or referees.
  • Learn the rules of the game… so that you may understand and appreciate why certain situations take place.
  • Respect the integrity of the coaches and officials.
  • Recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding play by either team.
  • During or after a game, you do not insult or attack a referee, another parent, or other players. You line up and shake the hand of your opponent and exhibit class and restraint.  Let the coach address bad calls or taunting from other players or coaches.

KBSC Absentee Policy

If you cannot attend a practice, notify your coach before practice. In the event of an unexcused absence from practice without notifying the coach, they will be treated in the following manner:

  • 1st absence with no notification: May lead to reduced playing time
  • 2nd absence with no notification: May be suspended from the upcoming game
  • 3rd absence with no notification: 2-game Suspension
  • 4th absence with no notification: Dismissal from the team, pending review of the Coach, DOC and Club Board.

KBSC Missed Game Policy

  • Any athlete who misses a game without notifying the coach prior to the game, will be suspended from the next game. Exceptions for this rule will be considered if there is an illness, family emergency, or official school function. School functions must be discussed with the coach 1-2 weeks in advance.

KBSC Tardy Policy

  • 1st offense- verbal warning
  • 2nd offense- verbal warning/conditioning/parent contact
  • 3rd offense- reduction in playing time/conditioning/parent contact
  • 4th offense- suspension from upcoming game/conditioning/parent contact
  • 5th offense- dismissal from team/parent contact, pending review from the disciplinary committee

KBSC Discipline/Consequences

  • Extra conditioning may be used as a form of discipline for any wrong behavior during practices/games.
  • Extra conditioning may be used as a form of discipline for not wearing a proper uniform during training and/or games.
  • Any discipline issues off the field, such as bullying will result in a loss of playing time and/or Suspension Until Further Notice (SUFN) from the team.
  • If an athlete has been placed on SUFN, that player will be expected to attend training and/or games and assist the coach. If a player repeats an incident and is put on SUFN, at the coach’s discretion, he or she may suspend a player for multiple games or expel the player from the team.
  • Use of drugs, or alcohol, having excessive absences, tardiness from the team, showing disrespect to others, or any form of unsportsmanlike conduct can result in dismissal or suspension from the team.
  • Inappropriate use of social media or any form of electronic communication will be considered a violation of team rules and can result in the player being placed on probation, suspension from an upcoming game, or dismissal from the team. This may include inappropriate texting or images used on social media.
  • Repeated violations of the rules may lead to temporary suspension from the team or expulsion.
  • If a player has failing grades in school,  the coach and parents shall meet to evaluate the appropriate action, including a temporary leave of absence, until the player can show improvement in the progress report during the next exam or grading cycle.  KBSC recognizes that academics come first.

KBSC Bus/Van & Hotel Policy

  • On the way to games, it is important to create a quiet, peaceful environment where players can reflect, meditate and listen to music with headphones, while respecting other players’ space.
  • Before each game, you will be required to get dressed and report to a designated, preferably shaded area where you will wait with your teammates.  It is important to conserve energy prior to warm-up.
  • Parents are encouraged to stay at the same hotel as the players for proper supervision and team bonding.  During the hotel stay, players are not permitted to run in the hallway or common areas, play soccer inside the hotel and be disruptive to the hotel guests. If players will be hanging out in the lobby, they must behave properly.
  • If a team decides to travel with a team Bus or Van, all players are required to ride in the Bus/Van and leave together to and from the hotel to the game site, unless there is an emergency and a parent will accompany any player that must stay behind. Coaches will not drive a team Bus or Van.  If a parent rents a van, they will be required to fill out the rental waivers and liability forms.  A player will not be released to anyone, except a parent without a note from the parent prior to the game. Once the player has been released to this person, KBSC will no longer be responsible for the player’s safety.
  • Any damages or costs incurred in the room or hotel common areas caused by any player(s), the parents will be liable for such cost to replace or repair damages.

KBSC Coaches

  • Place the emotional and physical well-being and development of your players ahead of a personal desire to win.
  • Respect the integrity and personality of each athlete, remembering the large range of emotions and physical development for the same age group.
  • Exemplify the highest moral character, behavior, and leadership. Adhere to strong ethical and integrity standards.
  • Learn the rules of the game and teach them in letter and spirit.
  • Set a good example for players and spectators.
  • Shake hands with opposing coaches and officials before and after each match.
  • Respect the integrity of the official(s) by giving respect, and in return, you earn their respect.
  • Do not use profanity or direct vulgar/obscene remarks to players, referees, or other coaches.
  • Do not act aggressively towards any individual.
  • Be responsible for your players and parents on the sideline, and act appropriately if a player or parent is not following the code of ethics policy.


Refrain from:

  • Arguments in front of your teammates, coach, and parents.
  • Blaming your players for mistakes on the field.
  • Gestures or language that insults or offends an official or opposing coach.
  • Throwing objects in disgust.
  • Make sportsmanship your top priority!

©2020 Key Biscayne Soccer Club

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