Code of Conduct and FYSA Rules
Code of Conduct Agreement for Players and Parents
Must be Printed, Read and Signed by the Parent/Guardian and his/her spouse/partner and turned into coach at the beginning of the season each year.
Key Biscayne Athletics CODE OF CONDUCT
I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for my child participating in youth sports by following this Parent/Player Code of Conduct:
- I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game, practice or other youth sports event.
- I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my child ahead of my personal desire to win.
- I will not harass, taunt, intimidate, or verbally abuse any officials, coaches, and players.
- I will not coach my child or interfere in any way with the coach’s decisions.
- I will always encourage my child, including times when they make mistakes; I will never criticize my child in front of anyone.
- I will not send any emails, voicemails, or have verbal communication with my coach, Program Director, or other parents that harasses, and /or shows disrespect to coaches or Program Director; all complaints must be dealt respectfully & privately with the Coach and/or the Program Director.
- I will support coaches and officials working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
- I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco and alcohol and will refrain from their use at all youth sports events.
- I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, fans and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed or ability.
- I will help my child enjoy the youth sports experience by doing whatever I can, such as being a respectful fan, assisting with coaching, serving as team parent, or providing transportation.
- I will not cheer when an opposing team’s player makes a mistake; I will also not distract, criticize, or intimidate the other team’s players in any way.
- I will not cheat or engage in any form of unethical behavior
- I will ensure that my child and my child’s spouse/partner will abide by the conditions of this Agreement.
- I agree to abide by any rulings made by the Disciplinary Committee regarding violations of the terms of this Agreement.
- If I am a coach, I will not allow any players to participate on my team unless I have verified that they are on the original roster provided by the KBSC or have been subsequently registered and placed on my team by the KBSC.
Sign and bring to first day of practice.
FYSA Soccer Rules
Let’s remember why we have our children playing soccer, they are there for the competition, but more importantly to enjoy the game. We expect all parents to attend and show respect to the staff, referees, coaches, and other parents in attendance. We want the children to feel safe and have a great experience when participating in soccer games. Below are some simple rules everyone should observe. PLEASE CONSIDER THEM CAREFULLY!
- Do not shout instructions or coach your players from the sideline. This confuses the player who gets their instruction from the coach. If you have to make comments, make statements or encouragement.
- Cheer for your child when he/she plays the ball well. However, remember that your child is a member of a team. Let the other players know you support them too.
- Do not display anger or make critical comments that may inflame a delicate situation. This only brings embarrassment for you or your child.
- Do not run up and down the sidelines. Find a comfortable place to sit down or stand, relax, and enjoy the match.
- Parents must show restraint and refrain from insulting or verbally abusing the referee. It’s hard for a child to learn respect for the referee or coaches when their parents set a poor example. The referee can interrupt the game and warn a parent of misbehavior or ask the parent to leave the field. If a parent fails to leave and continues to insult or verbally abuse a referee, player, or coach, the match will not continue, and the game can be suspended.
- Set the tone for good sportsmanship by adopting a positive attitude if your team loses. Compliment your child for his/her effort and ignore the mistakes. Your child will be happy you noticed his good qualities.
REMEMBER – your child will forget about today’s game. Next week he/she will probably have forgotten the score. However, both of you will remember the experience of sharing the game.
The club will not tolerate fighting or any physical or verbal abuse coming from a player or parent. Penalties may include issuing a red card and ejection from the game. The KBSC Board may impose additional disciplinary action, including suspension from playing or attending league games.
FYSA Comportamiento y Normas Para los Padres
Sus hijos están jugando al fútbol para divertirse. Todos quieren disfrutar del gran partido de fútbol. Esta información se proporciona para ayudar a usted y a sus hijos en la obtención del máximo beneficio posible de estos partidos de fútbol. A continuación se presentan algunas reglas simples que debe observar. POR FAVOR, TENGALAS EN CUENTA.
Padres, no enviaré emails, texts, whatsapp, mensajes de voz o comunicación verbal al entrenador, director deportivo, o con otros padres hostigando, y / o mostrando falta de respeto a los entrenadores o al gerente del programa; todas las quejas deben ser tratadas respetuosamente y en privado con el entrenador y / o el administrador del programa.
- No gritar instrucciones a su hijo durante practicas y partidos. Esto sólo provoca confusión, por que el entrenador ya ha dado instrucciones a su niño cómo jugar. Si van a gritar, mejor animar a su hijo cuando juega el balón. Sin embargo, recuerde que su hijo es miembro de un equipo. Déje que los demás jugadores sepán que ustedes apoyan también a ellos.
- Una muestra de enojo pueden inflamar una situación delicada que dara vergüenza para usted y para su hijo. Algunos padres avergüenzan a sus propios hijos, haciendo un espectáculo de sí mismos.
- Encuentre un lugar cómodo para sentarse o ponerse de pie, relajarse y disfrutar del partido.
- No griten insultos verbales o abusen del árbitro o entrenadores. Es difícil para un niño aprender a respetar al árbitro o a otros funcionarios cuando sus padres dan un mal ejemplo. El árbitro puede parar o suspender el partido si el padre se pone descortes y no respeta la decision del árbitro de que el padres se retire de la cancha.
- Fije el tono para la buena deportividad, adoptando una actitud positiva si su equipo pierde. Felicíte a su hijo/a y pase por alto sus errores. Su hijo será feliz que noté sus buenas cualidades y rendimiento.
El club no tolerara agresión o abuso físico o verbal contra un árbitro, jugador, entrenador u otro padre. Las sanciones podrán incluir una expulsión del juego con tarjeta roja. La Junta Directiva del club podrá imponer sanciones adicionales hasta e incluyendo la suspensión del jugador o padre de la liga.